ZFace: An interface for interacting with Zerochain


ZFace is a low-level wallet core and cryptographic tools for Zerochain.

In this section, we explained the usage of CLI tools powered by ZFace. The CLI tool has mainly four subcommands which is explained later.

  • snark: Operations around zk-SNARKs
  • wallet: Operations around wallet
  • tx: Operatipons around sending transactions to Zerochain
  • debug: Debugging and testing commands

Creating a new wallet

For security reasons, the cryptographic materials are stored encryped by providing a password.

To do this, run:

./target/release/zface wallet init

You will then be prompted to enter a password. This password will be used to encrypt your mnemonics of your wallet. Wallet files are stored in zface directory located in the following path.

Linux$XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share/zface/home/alice/.local/share/zface
macOS$HOME/Library/Application Support/zface/Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/zface

Add a account

You can add a new account into your wallet.

./target/release/zface wallet add-account

Show accounts list

It will show your accounts in your wallet.

./target/release/zface wallet list

Change default account

./target/release/zface wallet change-account -n <ACCOUNT_NAME>

Recover a wallet from mnemonic


./target/release/zface wallet recover

You will then be prompted to enter a mnemonic to recover your wallet.

Get balances

  • Getting your current balance from encrypted-balances module
./target/release/zface wallet balance
  • Getting your curernt balance from encrypted-balances module
./target/release/zface wallet asset-balance -i <ASSET_ID>
  • Getting your curernt balance from anonymous-balances module
./target/release/zface wallet anonymous-balance

Setup for zk-proving

Generating a proving key and verifying key of zk-SNARKs.

./target/release/zface snark setup


  • Submit a transaction to call confidential_transfer function in encrypted-balances module.
./target/release/zface tx send -t <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> -a <AMOUNT>
  • Submit a transaction to call issue function in encrypted-assets module.
./target/release/zface tx asset-issue -a <AMOUNT>
  • Submit a transaction to call asset_transfer function in encrypted-assets module.
./target/release/zface tx asset-send -t <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> -a <AMOUNT> -i <ASSET_ID>
  • Submit a transaction to call burn function in encrypted-assets module.
./target/release/zface tx asset-burn -i <ASSET_ID>
  • Submit a transaction to call issue function in anonymous-balances module.
./target/release/zface tx anonymous-issue -a <AMOUNT>
  • Submit a transaction to call anonymous_transfer function in anonymous-balances module.
./target/release/zface tx anonymous-send -t <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> -a <AMOUNT>

Manage encrypted assets

  • Issue new encrypted assets
./target/release/zface tx asset-issue -a <AMOUNT>
  • Send encrypted assets
./target/release/zface tx asset-transfer -t <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> -a <AMOUNT> -i <ASSET_ID>
  • Burn encrypted assets
./target/release/zface tx asset-burn -i <ASSET_ID>

Test for debugging

Print key components

./target/release/zface debug key-init

Send tx for debuggin

./target/release/zface debug send -s <SENDER_SEED> -t <RECPIENT_ADDRESS> -a <AMOUNT>

Print transaction components

./target/release/zface debug print-tx